People-Centered Food Systems (PCFSy)
The "People-Centered Food Systems: Fostering Human Rights-based Approaches Project," supported by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), aims to ensure equitable access to nutritious food. Through research, policy engagement, capacity building, and accountability measures, the Project seeks to integrate human rights and social equity principles into food system policies and actions.
PCFSy is a consortium-based initiative of the following organizations/institutions that comprise the Project’s Consortium: Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), and Rikolto.
The Project involves four pilot host countries Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Honduras (with IIRR in-charge of the first 3 countries), characterized by a particular context that affects the ability of critical food system actors to adopt a people-centered rights-based approach to meet food security and nutrition goals.